Monday, November 24, 2008

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start of the pool table Bundesliga 2008/2009

The BSG Osnabrück begins the start of the season 1.Pool billiards league in Dachau and Straubing

had the reigning German champions in Osnabrueck at the weekend to move under the most adverse weather conditions in the south of the republic. The season in the 1 Bundesliga had begun and the first opponent on Saturday was called Dachau. Even before it was clear that this would be no easy task, and finally Dachau was German champion in 2005 and 2006 and Osnabrück did meet his title as the current German champions.
The quartet of BSG was untroubled in the games and was somewhat surprising 3-1 finish the previous round. Apart from the Bielefeld Marcus West, who lost his 8-ball, could Bramscher Ruwe and Hebert, and the stone layer Krefeld their games will surely win.
With this result, we had created an excellent basis for the remaining 4 games of the second half. This advantage, the team was able to consistently and confidently to win 3-1 here as well, resulting in a 6-2 final score. Only the 18-year-old Hebert lost his 14 / 1 endless. These
not necessarily planned 2 points, it went on Sunday in Straubing on the pool tables, where they were very reluctant reminiscent of last season back, you got here quite clearly with 1:7.
equal to the beginning of games you could tell that Straubing had big plans, because they moved the day before against Oberhausen 2:6 with the short straw. Quite quickly the home side went in all parts of the lead and was also later in the booklet is no longer out of their hands. But it was a little too high in the mid-term from Osnabrück 0:4 view. Now you had to win all the games in the second half, and at least wants to get a draw. A difficult task, which the guests were not up. The lots went all out with only briefly, but could only win his Hebstreit 14 / 1, so it was a bit disappointing 1:7 as in the last season. However
happy with the weekend earned 2 points went to the nearly 700 miles through the snowy Germany home.
13/14.12.2008 on the BSG Osnabrück then has its first home game in the billiard-café at the Skyline Evers Strasse 38 and can then again before a home crowd their skills at putting the ball to the test.


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